

111. Iwas lost in thought the momentmy leader introduced a new projectin detail; nevertheless, I still guaranteed that I couldbe qualified forit.


112. —My friend’s computer is very light and fashionable. I likeitvery much. So I decide to buy a similarone.

—Which one?

The onein pink is very charming.

—I don’t thinkso. I think the one in pink is not so/as good asthatin black.





113. Late in the 20th century, the world has witness that the modest and humble Chinese peoplemade the best use oftheirdiligence and intelligenceto reform economic structure, develop their domestic industry, improve people’s living standard, provide more access to education, defense the territory andcooperate withany peace-loving country in the world.


114. Besides carrying the original diploma, all the candidates must fill in the blank form and write down their names, addresses, educational background and the selfintroductionincluding their certificates, ambition and hobbies; however, emptyboastisforbidden.


115. To raise the service standard, the furniture shopconfirmsthat the regular customers will gain 15 percent discount and have the chance toappreciatethe classical European-style furniture.


116. Obama administrationshowed its sympathy forthe innocent people whosurvivedthe natural tragedy, comforted them andencouragedthem to rebuild their homeland with American spirit,promisingthat the government would continue to offer the rescue and financial support.


117. According to the recent survey,there is a growing tendency forsenior staff to put aside their salary,run into deep debtfor a long time or even cancel most social activities merely torealizethe dream ofimproving their housing condition.


118. Many overseas guestsare jealous ofthe host’s traditional Chinese decorations whichareassessed atone million yuan but they areprohibited fromtouching anythingfor the sake ofsafety.


119. The economic committee gave a brief but accuratedescriptionof the stable and constant increase of GDP so the publicis convinced thatthe government is conveying the signal that the weak economy has recovered.


120. The senior official leaked that as a close partner, theycommitted themselves totaking concrete measures such as absorbing more labour force and eliminating some out-of-date productsfor the purpose ofproceeding to exploit the potential market.




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