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Graduate School of Chongqing Normal University

Chongqing Normal University (CHNU) was founded in 1954 and can trace its history back to Guanlitchuan East Normal School, which was founded in 1906. Located in the historic and cultural city of Chongqing, the university covers an area of 2,804 mu, including the University Town Campus, Shapingba Campus and Beibei Campus. The university is a multi-disciplinary institution of higher learning with a focus on arts and sciences and coordinated development of multi-disciplines. It has three national-level bases, including Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council Chinese Language Education Base, National Key Vocational Education Teacher Training Base of the Ministry of Education, and Hanban Chinese Language International Promotion Teacher Training Base (Chongqing). Chongqing Municipal Training Base for General Primary and Secondary School Teachers, Chongqing Municipal Training Base for Early Childhood Education Teachers, Chongqing Municipal Training Base for Special Education Teachers, China-Germany (Chongqing) Vocational Education Demonstration Base, Chongqing Vocational Education Teacher Training Group, Chongqing Wind Music Teacher Training Base and many other municipal bases. "Chongqing Tourism College", "Chongqing Conservatory of Music", "Chongqing Preschool Normal College", "Chongqing College of Special Education" and "Chongqing School of Journalism" are also established by relying on our school.


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