



1. C. peaks

2. D, generally

3. A. while

4. C. consumption

5. A. possibility.

6. A. delay

7. C. included

8. B. compared

9. A. with

10. C. scored

11. D. went by

12. B. attributable

13. C. involved

14. D. explain

15. D. treatments

16.B. Meanwhile

17. D. take

18. A. well-being


20. C. diet


PartA Text 1

21. The authorholds that this year's increase in rail passengers fares_______

D. remains an reasonable measure

22. The stockbroker in paragraph 2 is used to stand for_______

B. rail travellers

23. It is indicated in paragraph 3. that train operators_______

C. have failed to provide an adequate source

24.lf unable to calm down passengers, the railways mayhave to face_____

B. the collapse of operations

25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

D. Ever-rising Fares Aren't Sustainable

PartA Text 2

26. According to the first two paragraphs, CCT programs aim to_____

B. help poor families get better off

27. The study based on an area in Mexico is cited to show that_____

D. economic growth tends to cause environmental degradation

28. In his study about Indonesia, Ferraro intends to find out_____

C. the relation of CCTs to its forest loss

29. According to Ferraro, the CCT program in Indonesia is most valuable in that____

C. it can protect the environment

30. What is the text centered on?

A. The effects of a program

PartA Text3

31. According to Paragraph 1, the author's posts on Twitter_____

A. changed people's impression of the Victorians

32, What does author say about the Victorian portraits he has collected?

B. They are rare among photographs of that age.

33. What might have kept the Victorians from smiling for pictures in the 1890s?

D. Their unhealthy dental condition.

34. Mark Twain is quoted to show that the disapproval of smiles in pictures was_____

A. a deep-root belief

35. Which of the following questions does the text answer?

A. Why did imost Victorians look stern in photographs?

PartA Text 4

36, There has long been concern that broadband provides would____

B, show partiality in treating clients

37. Faced with the demand for net neutrality rules, the FCC____

B. takes an anti- regulatory stance.

38. What can be learned about AT&T from Paragraph 3?

B. It engages in anti- competitive practices.

39. Judge Patricia Milltt argues that the appeals court 's decision____

D. is out of touch with reality

40. What does the author argue in the last paragraph?

A. Congress needs to take action to ensure net neutrality.

Part B新题型

41. G AI looks at resumes in greater numbes…

42. C There are also companies like Acquisio…

43. E Before, they might not insure the ones …

44. B One accounting firm, EY, uses an Al system…

45. D You want to predict if something needs…


46. Those societies came out of the war with levels of enrollment that had been roughly constant at 3-5% of the relevant age groups during the decades before the war.


47. And the demand that rose in those societies for entry to higher education extended to groups and social classes that had not thought of attending a university before the war.


48. in many, counties of Western Europe, the numbers of students in“higher education doubled within five-year periods during the 1960s and doubled again in 6,8, or 10 years by the middle of the 1970s


49. and when the new staff are predominantly young men and women fresh from : postgraduate study, they largely;define the norms of academic life in that faculty.


50. High growth rates increased the chances for academic innovation; they also weakened the forms and processes by which teachers and students are admitted into a community of scholars during periods of stability or slow growth.



PartA 小作文

51. Directions:

A foreign friend of yours has recently graduated from college and intends to find a job in China. Write him an email to make some suggestions.

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name in the email; use“Li Ming" instead, (10 points)


52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the pictures below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the pictures briefly,

2) interpret the implied meaning, and

3) give your comments.

Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)















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