


根特大学(Ghent University),简称UGent,由荷兰国王威廉一世于1817年创办,迄今已有200多年历史,是比利时学术排名第一的世界顶尖研究型大学。根特大学是一所对所有人开放的多元化大学,无论其意识形态,政治立场,文化或社会背景。根特大学的信条是——“敢于思考”。根特大学是比利时最大的大学之一,有11个学院:艺术与哲学学院、法学院、科学学院(理学院)、医学与健康科学学院、工程学学院、经济与工商管理学学院、兽医学学院、心理与教育学学院、农业与应用生物科学学院、药学院、政治与社会科学学院。



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Ghent University


1. 英语语言要求雅思6或托福84
2. 学制3年。
Master programme taught in English 普通英语授课硕士项目
² 学制1-2年
² 学费1800-5600欧/年
² 语言要求:雅思6-7分,托福84-100
² 要求本科专业相关背景
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy文学与哲学学院
1)Master of Arts in African Studies 非洲研究文学硕士
2)Master of Arts inGlobal Studies 全球研究文学硕士
3)Research Master of Artsin Philosophy 哲学研究文学硕士
Faculty of Law and Criminology 法律与犯罪学学院
1)European Master of Laws in Law and Economics 法学与经济学硕士
2)Master of Laws in European Union Law 欧盟法硕士
3)Master of Laws in International and European Law国际法和欧洲法
4)Master of Laws in International Business Law国际商法法学硕士
5)Master of Science in Maritime Science海洋科学硕士
Faculty of Sciences 理学院
1)MSc in Agro- and Environmental Nematology 国际农业与环境学
2)MSc in Marine Biological Resources – Applied Marine Ecology and Conservation国际海洋生物资源学-应用海洋生态学与保护
3)MSc in Marine Biological Resources – Global Ocean Change-全球海洋变化
4)MSc in Marine Biological Resources – Management of Living Marine Resources -海洋生物资源
5)MSc in Marine Biological Resources – Marine Environment Health-海洋环境健康
6)MSc in Marine Biological Resources – Marine Food Production -海洋食品生产
7)MSc in Biochemistry and Biotechnology 生物化学与生物技术
8)MSc in Bioinformatics -Bioscience Engineering 生物信息学理学-生物科学工程
9)MSc in Bioinformatics – Engineering 生物信息学-工程学
10)MSc in Bioinformatics -Systems Biology 生物信息学-系统生物学
11)MSc in Biology 生物学
12)MSc in Chemistry 化学
13)MSc in Geology 地质学
14)MSc in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management 海洋与湖泊科学与管理
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences医学与健康科学学院
1)Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences生物医学科学
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture工程与建筑学院
1)European Master of Science in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics核聚变与工程物理
2)European Master of Science in Photonics光子学
3)International Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering生物制药工程
4)MSc in Bioinformatics – Engineering生物信息学-工程学
5)MSc in Biomedical Engineering生物制药工程
6)MSc in Chemical Engineering化学工程
7)MSc in Civil Engineering土木工程
8)MSc in Computer Science Engineering计算机科学工程
9)MSc in Electrical Engineering – Communication and Information Technology电机工程-通信与信息技术
10)MSc in Electrical Engineering – Electronic Circuits and Systems-电子电路与系统
11)MSc in Electromechanical Engineering – Control Engineering and Automation机电工程-控制工程与自动化
12)MSc in Electromechanical Engineering – Electrical Power Engineering机电工程-电力工程
13)MSc in Electromechanical Engineering – Maritime Engineering机电工程-海事工程
14)MSc in Electromechanical Engineering – Mechanical Construction机电工程-机械施工
15)MSc in Electromechanical Engineering – Mechanical Energy Engineering机电工程-机械能源工程
16)MSc in Engineering Physics工程物理学
17)MSc in Fire Safety Engineering 消防安全工程
18)MSc in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research 工业工程与运筹学
19)MSc in Sustainable Materials Engineering 可持续材料工程
20)MSc in Textile Engineering纺织工程理学硕士
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration经济与工商管理学院
1)Master of Science in Business Economics – Accountancy商业经济学-会计学
2)Master of Science in Business Economics – Corporate Finance商业经济学-公司金融
3)Master of Science in Business Economics – Marketing商业经济学-市场营销
4)Master of Science in Business Engineering – Data Analytics商业经济学-数据分析
5)Master of Science in Business Engineering – Finance商业经济学-金融学
6)Master of Science in Business Engineering – Operations Management商业经济学-运营管理
7)Master of Science in Economics经济学
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering生物科学工程学院
1)International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering环境科学与工程
2)International Master of Science in Rural Development乡村发展
3)International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change (Physical Land Resources and Global Change)土壤与全球变化(土地物理资源与全球变化)
4)International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change (Soil Biogeochemistry and Global Change)土壤与全球变化(土壤生物地球化学与全球变化)
5)International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management可持续和创新的自然资源管理
6)Master of Science in Aquaculture水产养殖
7)Master of Science in Bioinformatics -Bioscience Engineering生物信息学-生物科学工程专业
8)Master of Science in Food Technology食品科技
9)Master of Science in Nutrition and Rural Development营养与乡村发展
10)Master of Science in Physical Land Resources – Land Resources Engineering土地资源-土地资源工程
11)Master of Science in Physical Land Resources – Soil Science土地资源-土壤科学
Faculty of Political and Social Sciences政治与社会科学学院
1)Master of Arts in Global Studies全球研究
2)Master of Science in Conflict and Development冲突与发展
3)Advanced master programme taught in English 用英语授课的高级硕士课程
Advanced master programme in English 高级硕士项目
² 学制:1年制
² 申请要求:相关硕士学历背景+语言证明
² 申请截止日期:3月1号
1)MA in Linguistics – Cognitive and Functional Linguistics语言学-认知和功能语言学
2)MA in Advanced Studies in Linguistics – Linguistics in a Comparative Perspective语言学-比较视野中的语言学
3)MA in Advanced Studies in Linguistics – Multilingual and Foreign Language Learning语言学-多语言和外语学习
4)European Master of Laws in Law and Economics法学与经济学
5)Master of Laws in European Union Law欧盟法
6)Master of Laws in International and European Law国际法与欧盟法
7)Master of Laws in International Business Law 国际商法
8)Master of Science in Maritime Science海事科学
9)Master of Science in Plant Biotechnology 植物生物技术
10)Master of Science in Space Studies空间研究
11)Master of Science in Statistical Data Analysis统计数据分析
12)Master of Science in Global Health全球健康
13)Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering
14)Faculty of Economics and Business Administration经济与工商管理学院
15)Master of Science in Banking and Finance银行与金融
16)Master of Science in Marketing Analysis营销分析
Doctor of African Languages and Cultures非洲语言和文化
Doctor of Archaeology考古学
Doctor of Arts: Audiovisual Arts文学博士:视听艺术
Doctor of Arts: Visual Arts文学博士:视觉艺术
Doctor of Comparative Science of Cultures比较文学
Doctor of Arts: Drama:戏剧
Doctor of East European Languages and Cultures东欧语言和文化
Doctor of Art Science艺术科学
Doctor of Literary Studies文学研究
Doctor of Moral Sciences道德科学
Doctor of Arts: Music艺术:音乐
Doctor of Oriental Languages and Cultures东方语言文化
Doctor of History历史
Doctor of Linguistics语言学
Doctor of Linguistics and Literature语言学与文学
Doctor of Translation Studies翻译研究
Doctor of Philosophy哲学
Doctor of American Studies美国研究
Doctor of Gender and Diversity Studies性别与多样性研究
Doctor of Criminological Sciences犯罪学
Doctor of Notary’s Practice公证人的执业方面
Doctor of Law法学
Doctor of Maritime Sciences海事科学
Doctor of Science理学
Doctor of Science: Astronomy理学:天文学
Doctor of Science: Biochemistry and Biotechnology理学:生物化学与生物技术
Doctor of Science: Bioinformatics理学:生物信息学
Doctor of Science: Biochemistry理学:生物化学
Doctor of Science: Biology理学:生物学
Doctor of Science: Biotechnology理学:生物技术
Doctor of Science: Chemistry理学:化学
Doctor of Science: Physics理学:物理学
Doctor of Science: Geography理学:地理
Doctor of Science: Geology理学:地质学
Doctor of Science: Geomatics and Surveying理学:地理与测量
Doctor of Computer Science 计算机科学
Doctor of Science: Marine Sciences理学:海洋科学
Doctor of Statistical Data Analysis统计数据分析
Doctor of Science: Mathematics理学:数学
Doctor of Health Sciences 健康科学
Doctor of Engineering工程学
Doctor of Architectural Sciences and Engineering建筑科学与工程
Doctor of Biomedical Engineering生物医学工程
Doctor of Industrial Design Engineering Technology工业设计工程技术博士
Doctor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research工业工程与运营研究博士
Doctor of Information Engineering Technology信息工程技术博士
Doctor of Civil Engineering土木工程
Doctor of Civil Engineering Technology土木工程技术
Doctor of Chemical Engineering化学工程
Doctor of Chemical Engineering Technology化学工程技术
Doctor of Computer Science Engineering计算机科学工程
Doctor of Electrical Engineering电气工程
Doctor of Electrical Engineering Technology电气工程技术
Doctor of Photonics Engineering光子工程学
Doctor of Maritime Engineering海事工程
Doctor of Materials Engineering材料工程
Doctor of Urbanism and Spatial Planning城市主义与空间规划
Doctor of Textile Engineering纺织工程
Doctor of Engineering Physics工程物理
Doctor of Engineering Technology工程技术
Doctor of Fire Safety Engineering消防安全工程
Doctor of Mathematical Engineering数学工程
Doctor of Electromechanical Engineering机电工程
Doctor of Electromechanical Engineering Technology机电工程技术
Doctor of Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology电子与ICT工程技术
Doctor of Economics经济学
Doctor of Business Economics商业经济学
Doctor of Public Administration and Management公共行政与管理
Doctor of Business Administration商业管理
Doctor of Veterinary Science兽医学
Doctor of Educational Sciences教育学
Doctor of Psychology心理学
Doctor of Social Work and Social Welfare Studies社会工作与社会福利研究
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences应用生物学
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Land and Water Management应用生物学:土地与水管理
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Cell and Gene Biotechnology应用生物学:细胞和基因生物技术
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Agricultural Sciences应用生物学:农学
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Aquaculture应用生物学:水产养殖
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Environmental Technology应用生物学:环境技术
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Food Science and Nutrition应用生物学:食品科学与营养
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Forest and Nature Management应用生物学:森林与自然管理
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Rural Development应用生物学:乡村发展
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Industrial Biosciences应用生物学:工业生物科学
Doctor of Applied Biological Sciences: Chemistry and Bioprocess Technology应用生物学:化学与生物工艺技术
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences药学
Doctor of Communication Science传播科学
Doctor of EU-Studies欧盟研究
Doctor of Political Sciences政治学
Doctor of Sociology社会学
Combined degree for an interdisciplinary doctorate跨学科博士学位的综合学位


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