



Tip2:自我介绍的相关信息,或者说扩展内容也要准备。举个例子:如果自我介绍的内容包含有兴趣爱好的介绍,如喜欢读书等,考官可能会问your favorite book and some recommendation about book所以我们在备考过程中,要对相关内容进行准备。



Good morning / afternoon, dear professors! I am. (姓名).I am from (本科学校的名称) majoring in (本科专业的名称).


I worked very hard for the past three and a half years and was rewarded with the National Encouragement Scholarship for one time and the University Scholarship for twice in a row.(获得国家励志奖学金) At the same time, I was elected as the "outstanding student leader" because of my excellent practical capacity.(荣誉:优秀学生代表)I have a strong sense of responsibility.(优点:有责任心) When I was an intern in the Teacher's Office, I tried to do all the work assigned to me, and got the unanimous praise from the teachers.(举例说明有责任心的体现) So I believe that in the future, if my graduate study supervisors assign me some learning and scientific research tasks, I can also take them seriously and work hard to complete them.(考上研后的表现) In my spare time, I always read some classic novels which, (兴趣爱好)in my opinion, can help me improve my ability to understand and communicate with others.(兴趣的收获)


I would be very honored if you could grant me the opportunity to study in this university. That's all about me. Thank you!



本科四年,通过我的努力,我连续两次获得国家励志奖学金和学院奖学金。同时,我也因为出色的实践能力被诜为优秀学生代表”。(可替换为其他荣誉)我有很强的责任心。(可替换为其他优点)之前在教师办公室实习时, 我努力做好老师分配给我的所有工作,得到了老师们的一致好评。所以我相信,今后如果我的研究生导师给我布置些学习和科研任务,我也可以认真对待,努力完成。在业余时间,我总是读一些经典小说,在我看来,这些小说可以帮助我提高理解和与他人交流的能力。(可替换为其他兴趣爱好)




Good morning / afternoon, my professors. It's really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview. My name is (姓名)(年龄)years old. I come from (家乡).I have got my bachelor's degree at (本科学校的名称)with the major of (本科专业的名称)after my graduation in July last year.


Perhaps you may ask, "Why do you give up your own major and choose Public Administration as your major during your graduate study in the future?" (开篇表明:你可能问我为什么换专业、如果是二战同学,可表达为为什么放弃工作,继续备考)Firstly, what attracts me most about Public Administration is the aim to maximize the public interests. Just as a saying goes, "interest is the best teacher". (跨专业原因一:兴趣)Secondly, the major has gained wide application and concern for the time being. And (报考院校的名称)University has a good reputation in the field of Public Administration and so many excellent teachers who have strong research abilities. (跨专业原因二:前景和院校)Thirdly, four years study in science made me rigorous, which is helpful for my further study in Public Administration.To sum up, it is a wise choice.(跨专业原因三:进一步深造)


The year before last, I attended (报考院校的名称)University's entrance exam, but to my disappointment, I failed. However, I do love the atmosphere of this university. So I made up my mind to have a try again and it's a great pleasure for me to stand/sit here for the second test! That's all about my presentation. Thanks for your time and attention.


各位教授,早上/下午好。很荣幸能来参加面试。我叫XXX,……岁。我来自……。去年7月毕业,在……大学… 专业获得了学士学位。

也许你会问:“为什么你在未来的研究生学习中放弃自己的专业,选择公共管理专业? 首先,公共管理的目标是公共利益最大化,这吸引了我。俗话说得好,“兴趣是最好的老师”其次,该专业目前已经得到了广泛的应用和关注。…..大学在公共管理领域有着良好的声誉,有许多更具研究实力的优秀教师。第三,四年的科学学习培养了我严谨的品质,这对我讲一步学习公共管理有一定的帮助,所以考研是一个明智的选择。(可替换为其他专业)




Respected professors, good morning / afternoon! Its my great honor to be here for this interview. My name is xxx. I!m (年龄)years old, born in (岀生地).In the year of (本科入学年份),I entered (本科院校的名称)with a major in (本科专业的名称)


Recalling my past four-year college life, 1 have won the first prize scholarships for a couple of times and participated in various competitions actively such as (参加的比赛名称).I also joined the Communist Party.(大学荣誉)As time goes by, the more 1 experienced, the clearer I realized that I'm really interested in Business Administration.(表达因为工作,对本专业有了更多的了解)1 find that the management of many companies can not keep up with their development speed.(行业目前存在的不足) I'm eager to learn more about the necessary knowledge of Business Administration and I hope to continue further study in this university.(我想通过继续读研更深了解)So, last year, I quitted my job to prepare for the exam. After about half year's hard work, I'm finally standing before you honorable professors now.


Though I've sacrificed much on my way to pursuing studies, I believe it's worthwhile. Thank you !


尊敬的老师们,早上好/下午好!很荣幸在这里见到您。我叫xxx。今年……岁,岀生于.….,……年进入.… 大学,主修…





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