













Shanghai University of Engineering Science

The School of Art and Design of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, founded in 1998, now has eight undergraduate majors, including Product Design, Art and Technology, Visual Communication Design, Photography, Digital Media Design, Environmental Design, Industrial Design and Advertising. There are four major orientations of Master of Arts: Product Plastic Arts and Application Practice, Visual Communication Design, Exhibition and Space Environment Design, Digital Media and Image Digitization. It has four first-class disciplines of design, including Industrial Design, Environmental Design, Visual and Media Design, and Design History and Theory.

The photography major began to recruit undergraduate students in 2002. It is the first university in Shanghai to open an undergraduate major, with 50 students enrolled each year.

Following the school running concept of “Application-Oriented Characteristic University”, the major adheres to the multiple and equal teaching concept of “From Film to digital”. The curriculum focuses on the cultivation of application and innovation capabilities in commercial advertising, portraits, news and other “practical” photography and film and television fields, relying on the advantages of the complete industrial structure in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta, and combining the regional economic development strategy, the current situation of the industry development and the demand for talents, cultivating relevant workers engaged in photo photography, film and television photography, photography art creation, photography education and research with practical ability and theoretical system. We advocate talents to serve the society, follow the development of the industry and enhance the competitiveness of employment. We insist on the development of our own international characteristics, maintain long-term international cooperation and exchange with overseas well-known institutions, and regularly conduct academic exchanges to strengthen the cultivation of students’ international vision and thinking.

Students are employed in news media, publicity departments of enterprises and public institutions, film and television media enterprises, audio and video publishing enterprises, photography man ufacturers, advertising companies, picture production companies, or self-employment to open individual photography studio.

谢天 Xie Tian




In Shanghai in April 2022, the word “silence” suddenly became the most frequently used word. The sudden attack of the epidemic has affected everyone’s life. For the management of entrances and exits and the prevention of possible “loopholes”, overnight, all places were surrounded by cold iron plates, and the barriers erected between the inside and outside restricted the flow. The special scenes recorded in this special period may not be “silent” in our memory.

叶璐莹 Ye Luying



《Different Viewing Methods》

Photography is a way to show different viewing methods by combining shooting content with different forms. Erase the authenticity of the image, overlay different contents, link different spaces, and redefine the image in this way. The space is re established from the dimension and perspective, the content of different spaces is selected and image processing is carried out to establish a new time and space with different time and places. In this process, image collage and different two-dimensional photos are used to convert three-dimensional forms to make a second composition of the selected material images. In the process of dimensional conversion, different impressions are discussed in different photographic expression forms.

卞董逸 Bian Dongyi



《Shanghai Suburb Travel Map》

The French painter Matisse compared his painting to an “easy chair” to express the most attractive characteristic of art may be its freedom. However, in photography, due to the limitation of equipment, it is very difficult to express a wider space freely. Although the angle, distance and position are slightly changed during shooting, the freedom of expression is greatly limited due to the factors of single point perspective. The Chinese landscape painting theory “Three Distances Method” is a good way to liberate this restriction. There are three perspectives of looking down, looking up, and looking up at an object at the same time in the picture. Inspired by the concepts of “Three Distances Method” and “Changing Scenery”, this paper combines this composition with the method of observing nature with photography to explore the possibility of this theory in the art of photography.

康晨蕾 Kang Chenlei




Under the influence of the current epidemic situation of new coronavirus pneumonia, citizens spontaneously began to reduce the number and time of going out. In addition to the weather, the number and time of going out were reduced, while shops, public places and indoor crowded places would be closed for some time or the number of people entering the places would be limited. Therefore, this work uses the technology of static time delay photography to reproduce the scene before the epidemic.

徐墨迪 Xu Modi




This work is created around all kinds of moldy and rotten vegetables and fruits with colorful abstract cloth. It is based on the effect of color on people’s psychology and emotions and the unique meaning of materials in the beauty of form. Breaking through the quiet and elegant style of traditional still life photography, with corrupt fruits and vegetables as the main body, and colorful cloth as the background, we explore the understanding of beauty in the new form through still life photography. The unique sense of fragmentation, rebirth and burning when the vegetables and fruits are moldy will be combined with the gorgeous and colorful color of the background to produce a new picture language. Let the audience appreciate the freshness of life and the cool nature of existence, forming an aesthetic expression full of enthusiasm and novelty.



澳大利亚参展院校: 昆士兰艺术学院

日本参展院校: 大阪艺术大学、东京造形大学、日本九州产业大学




马来西亚参展院校: 拉曼大学学院

泰国参展院校: 兰实大学

印度尼西亚参展院校: 印尼日惹艺术学院

中国台湾地区参展院校: 明道大学




承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院




学术主持: 姚璐


Agatha Bunanta(印度尼西亚)、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan(马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)












1、作品类型、风格、主题不限,但必须是以一个完整的专题形式呈现,须提供主题阐述、摄影师的近期 形象照 及个人简介200字左右,其他可以提供包括个人联系方式、摄影经历、荣衔资历,重要获奖、摄影感悟等。

2、个人作品集(每组15-30张,文件格式:JPG,图片宽度 大于3840像素 ,或者文件 大于5M ,不得有水印)须有每幅作品的标题或图片内容说明。

3、将以上两组文件打包压缩成RAR或ZIP格式发送网站编辑部,万能邮箱: cnphotos@163.com 。

4、入选作品,将在签约摄影师作品赏析名家经典等栏目刊登, 其作品也将登记入库,作图片销售代理,优秀作品将推荐人民网、人民摄影报、澎湃新闻等媒体刊发,同时, 将有资格参与中国摄影网十佳摄影师评选 ,入编《中国摄影网》杂志期刊,颁发签约摄影师证书、入展证书。



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